Take One Digital Media frequently donates services to local charities and other non-profit organizations as a way of contributing to our community.
Our ability to contribute depends upon a number of factors, but in all cases we provide assistance to organizations that, first, work locally and, second, ensure that 90 cents of every dollar goes toward their mission and not to administration or fundraising.
We have contributed pro bono services to the Salvation Army (most recently creating a fundraising video for their new center in Annapolis), Maryland Hall for the Performing Arts (TV spots), Anne Arundel Medical Center’s “Lights on the Bay” and breast cancer screening, and Maryland Therapeutic Riding (fundraising video). Take One is also a major sponsor of the Chesapeake Bay Blues Festival. The most recent event supported charities including We Care and Friends, Special Olympics Maryland, Special Love for children with cancer and the Johns Hopkins Cleft & Craniofacial Center.
We often work on projects at discounted rates to allow area non-profits the same professional appeal that corporate clients can afford. Among our many non-profit clients, we now include Metavivors and The League for People with Disabilities.

Featured Community Project –
Annapolis Light House Homeless Prevention and Support Center
Project Overview
Take One feels privileged to have spent a great deal of time working with the Annapolis Light House Homeless Prevention and Support Center to produce this awareness piece. The organization hired our team to conceptualize, write, and ultimately produce a video that would speak to potential donors in the community. The shelter relies heavily on donors to keep its new 24,000 sq. ft. building open to serve the homeless in the community. The result is an eye opening view of the current homeless situation in the area and the high level of support and assistance the shelter can now offer.
The Take One team spent two days at the shelter interviewing residents, staff members, and local business owners to create an accurate portrayal of the current services and needs of the shelter. The eight minute piece also features a rare glimpse into the plight of some of the homeless who are not fortunate enough to have a room at the center. The encouraging video highlights just how much a community can help those in need. The piece premiered at the Rotary Club of Annapolis’ Black Tie and Diamonds benefit to rave reviews. The project was produced at a discounted rate and with many pro bono hours as our own donation to the cause of homeless prevention in our own community.